sory la lame dh tak update blog nih..nasib baik tak usang lagik...
almost sebulan aku pratikal...n dlm masa sebulan nih..byk bnde dh berlaku kt aku n rakan...hmm..rakan...
recently..aku sedey ar gak ape digelar kawan...
bkn aku je la sedey...ramai gak ar...
wat to do...dh lepas 1 bulan...baru ar tau...sape yg btol2 kawan...
kalo dlu sume leh share...skrg nih..sume kene kalo nk secret..biarlah secret btol2..jgn kasik sape2 tau....kan senang..
nk kata kecewa...entoh la...nk kata terkilan...entoh la..
psl one thing...friendship yg dh 2 tahun lebey nih boleh retak...tgu mase nk pecah je...
nk aku show ape yg bende di secret2 nyer?...
do lepas nih..pandai2 la bwk diri...kalo still ingat lagik ade member...jgn la nk lupe kn member tuh..da~~
kadangkala, rahsia biar jadi rahsia. itupun jika rahsia itu boleh mengundang mudarat pada diri dan orang lain.
itu ler yg sy yg sy cube nk terangkan..kalo dh tau rahsia tuh boleh bikin mslh...simpan la elok2..jgn lar terbongkar...
weh...aper ni??
asal cmni??
bnda tu bkn secret pn...juz xsempat nk bgtau sbb kiterorg yg tau pn da last minit...
aku xtau la ko tujukan bnda ni kat saper tp aku trase gak coz aku pn attend bnda tu...
jgn la salah paham..
mmg ader bnda baik kiter share sme2 tp kadang2 kena ada effort sendiri...
yg tau ni pun sumer last minit, panik, n xsempat nk tpk yg laen da coz ingtkan sumer da tau sbb dulu sumer pn ckp nk apply bnda ni...
jgn la salahkan org laen kalau diri sendiri xda effort dulu...
jgn la kerohkan keadaan..
frenship da lame, xkn sbb bnda ni pn nk gaduh? xbaik n xbest la...
btw aku mintak maaf klau ko trase ati sbb aku xbgtau...aku tau last minit n xsempat nk bgtau sape2..
btw yg kat atas tu aku~sha...
xda acc blogger..
i agreed with what sha have told u. dont just because of your so called own mistake you want to blame others, its because of your effort, not because of not sharing n telling you. its all last minutes.
ALLAH beri kita ukhwah, jangan putuskan ukhwah yg suci. Nilai persahabatan amat tinggi dan jangan sia-siakan begitu sahaja.
U have a very good friends surround you, do treasure it. You are matured enough to think all this, its the effort for you to run for it, because its all about your study life. once u r in degree, its all depends on u yourself, u cant even rely on others. be independently, matured, and think positively.
i am here not to give you a wasting of time advising but i am totally not agree if u saying tat the friendship will just end like this.
UKHWAH itu indah jika bertemu dan berpisah kerana NYA. (u do know the meaning of this sentence don't you? understand the meaning of it very carefully, you will know that this friendship is a very precious one)
if they are classmates of yours can take this matter in a positive way, so do u. They even said, we can apply later, the application will be opened for applicants later on. So, think positively, not just saying tis 2 years of friendship will just end because of irrelevant matters, such a small matter that u can handle it yourself (i guess). i am saying this not just for u, but for others who did think the same way as you are.
sorry for those words if it hurts you, but i really want to see all of you still together in this very precious friendship. treasure it, how they treasure it in you.
"Narrated Abû Hurairah : Allah’s Messenger said, “Allah looks not at your figures, nor at your outward appearance but HE looks at your hearts and deeds.”(Muslim)"
hmm...thanx madam for the advice...
sory sha..i dont mean to hurt
for my beloved fren n lecturer...
sy tau yg bende nih tak perlu dipanjang lebarkn lagik..
ape yg sy nk terangkn disini..
bkn lah disebabkn ytm yg sy tak pernah harapkn tuh..
bkn la perkara scholarship yg menjadi isu...
perkara yg sy perlu jelaskn....
kalo ade hp..ape perlu gune nyer sms..
kalo ade kawn...ape perlu nyer berhubung..
kite2 nih...kalo bole berkumpul ramei2...mmg kalo ade certain member yg tak teringin nk kite sume berkumpul...bole buat ape la kan...ngan org lain leh ngan rakan2 yg terjalin persahabt selama 2 taun nih tak nk jumpe...boleh buat ape la kan..
so tak pernah nk pecahkn jalinan kitorg nih...n slalu cube nk rapatkn..
tp kalo dh ade certain org yg tak teringin nk kukuhkn jalinan nih..wat to do la kn..
sha...i aledy talk to u via ym...i hope u understand me...
mcam yg sha cakap, ada certain bende kita kene share. aku rase kau tak faham la den. kawan kau tu bukan x sms kau tak bersebab kot. mesti ada reason die. aku rase la. x sms bukan bermaksud x mo kukuhkan hubungan korang la. kau ni emosional sgt. dari ape yg kau tulis tu, aku dpt agak sapa yg kau maksudkan. die tak salah. aku tahu die pegi ytm tu, aku sendiri yg sms die tanyekan khabar. aku faham situasi die. die pegi sane bukan suka2. kau yg kene faham perasaan orang lain juga. kau ada sms die? kenapa aku boley sms die kau tak? aku tau kau dengan die rapat, tp kenapa kau buat macam tu kat die. sms bukan satu alasan untuk kau tuduh die bukan-bukan. aku harap kau faham.
thanx 4 everyone that read my post..
tq gak sgl ape yg korg komenkn..
aku terima ngan ati terbuka...
byk sgt misunderstandng kat sni..
so dgn rasmi nye...aku menutuppost nih...demi kebaikan bersama...
korg tak yah la komen2 lagik...cukup la stakat nh...
Assalamualaikum Den, this is mdm Asyiqin. I finally understood the sms that u sent to me that day. I am sorry that i cannot recognize your number that time because i was using my new handphone. After thinking for a while, i decided to visit ur blog and eventually i made myself understand of what was happening. I want u to know that the above comment is not from me. I wonder what made u think it was me (the comment is too hurting). I might be very open with my students just about anything and might give some open advices but not a hurting advices. Please do not misunderstood. Not because of the above writer used the Islamic word then u can conclude it was me. I really hope u understand, insya Allah :). ~Mdm Asyiqin
I am the person that wrote those comments above. It is above my expectation and beyond my imaginary it will affect other person in higher management.
First of all, i would like to apologize to the writer, mr ezzudden because of the misunderstood which concludes you to a wrong person.
Second, i am deeply sorry for those words i assume to be an advice might hurts you in somehow such way. u may delete the comments if you want to, and may be some of it is useful rather how. it depends on you. every person have their own way of thinking.
and i do want to apologize to madam asyiqin, if this matter do brings an inconvenience to you. i am so sorry.
human always do mistake, and i am one of them. again, i am so sorry for the above comments if it hurts anyone.
"Yang baik itu datangnya dari ALLAH, dan yang buruk itu hanya datang dari kelemahan diri saya sendiri"
hmm..sory for all mis understanding..
to madam..n to all..
i am very sory..
this all happen coz...anonymous thing...
i hope dis will not happen to me again..
hope all reader will accept my apologize...
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