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Friday, January 25, 2008

U Mobile

Smalam time aku jalan2 gi Mines...sj2 je nk usha2 PDA...dh lepas2 borak dekat 1jam ngan tauke kedai...ade amoi tgh promote pasl U mobile service...arituh Happy dah kuar..skrg nih..U mobile plaks...

aku amik la pemplet kat amoi tuh..
aku check kat website..tkde ape sgt bab nk femouskn staff diorg ade ar...sume nk buat streaming video..bosan aku...
nih aku tulis ape bende yg ade kat pemplete tuh..

no yg diorg akan gune...018 dan hanya postpaid je ade...

call charge 018 ke 018 free..
3G broadband free...
mobile tv(mitv network) free...

call charge to other service provider...RM 0.30 seminit
Sms charge RM 0.15 perSMS

skrg aku tgh tgu diorg kasik info psl service provider diorg nih..nnti aku update lagik...


26/01/2008-Tadik one of diorg nyer staff call aku..tak sangka plak aku diorg call..ingat just email je psl info..aku nk tau pasl info n rates je..

nih ape yg diorg cite selama 15 min call diorg ade kat berjaya times square ground floor
2.untuk semua rates2 tuh..sampai bulan 3 nih je..lepas tuh..baru diorg pikir kn mcmne byr..
3.tak perlu registeration fees,deposit dan sewaktu dengannya.. contract
5. n the best part nyer kalo korg nk register ke...nk gune line nih..kene beli skali ngan Nokia N77..yang beharga RM1999..korg tak leh nk pakai tak beli hp..n sebaliknya...menarik tak offer nih?


Anonymous said...

woihh,ape ko cakap ni??x paham aaa,kalau nk n77 tuh,kene beli line ke?or kalau nk beli n77 tuh,dpt diskaun mase beli n77??tp,aku rase rm1999 tuh still murah aa kan,kt market dia 2k lebih kan???anyway,best la kalau dpt murah mase beli line,muahhahahhaa...mcm kt jepon la,nak beli hp,kene beli line sekali

Ezzudden said...

lebey kurang mcm jepun ar diorg nk buat kot...beli line..kene beli hp skali..dpt murah skit kot..

Anonymous said...

You write very well.